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      Avatar photoMohammad Janblaghy

      In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

      Mohammad Janblaghi professionals who have chosen me because a lot of daily consulted my dear.

      Most of the ones that Mr. Jan Bolagh ask me what was the best book you read? Or the best movies and …

      I always have a good answer Dhm.my missing you see what ‘s best films.

      I may not like the movie or the book for me is not important to you may not be best for you.

      It’s not a bad man to ask the opinions of others, but others will decide for us this bad.

      We often go to the counselor (professional advice or a consultant can be a friend, father, mother
      And so forth.) Nmyrym learn a thing Bgyrym.ya an open view Braymvn do.
      But just looking for confirmation Hstym.fqt want to say that I’m right.

      In some departments and agencies also. Consultant manager chooses not to open up a vision for his or learn something new.

      The company put a name to it when I have an idea I suggested that we go ahead with this method.

      Said NO !! We do not like this method, Khvshmvn fine.

      One thing I love, working and not working at something else. If you want my opinion, I think if you use this method to get more profit.

      Said no.
      Finally I told them that I had to do something to come.

      If it did not go the way I saw myself as I am right and you Zhmh Dhm.bhshvn So my commitment. Well, if answered, let’s go.

      It was discussed above. Finally, Zhmh right and we did not pay.

      And, interestingly, in an email sent to me (one of the managers) were .gfth Mr. Jan Bolagh where you live (meant above), the customer is king. Vmnzvrsh here is that what I want, not the customer.

      I said thank you so much and I Jvabshvn your opinions please. But remember that your clients are my thoughts.

      I did Muhammad Jan Bolagh as a consultant to give you my thoughts and ideas Frvshm.v if I give you my perspective that I tell you what you need for a consultant.

      When I came to your company to this vision came to differ with you.

      In a word, they follow the approved Hstnd.hrchy others or me as I approve of advice …

      I loved my last message to you is that our problem is not that we did a lot of Nkhvndym.ya advice and …

      Our problem is something else. I think Jan Bolagh.

      Our problem is that most of what we need to know more than what is necessary to act.

      All we know for savings is a good thing, as we all know, who is a good thing, respect for others, kindness, patience and wise friend of Ast.baz·hm want to go out looking for someone who is confirmed.

      Still want to read a book that’s part of what benefits there.

      I (Jan Bolagh my personal opinion) one of the reasons why we take our little fear of failure.

      For example, we are afraid to buy a book and actually dislike comes next. Well, for example, think of all the books in the West that people liked to buy books?

      Nh..mslma not. He is carrying books to read and I did not say much. But reading. So over 5 million copies of the books. If a writer wants to write a book that will be rich overnight.

      Unlike our authors. Or, for example, was one of the artist or music are ready to copy all of it overnight.

      The artist knows that he labored much. An hour of music, poetry and song and record player …. and prepared.

      If he comes Khvshmvn buy. For example, I bought 2 CD reader certain legal music and original dish was interesting. But not Bkhryd.kpy. Okay.

      But fear. Afraid to make mistakes. We are afraid of loss.

      Life as we learn through experience. Khvdn not through books.

      In a fully talked about fear. You can visit the website to provide school life Frmayyd.ya visit us for advice.

      I’ve invested so much on your own?

      Be happy and healthy. Hope to see your loved ones. Mohammad Janblaghi’m loving you.

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