Ideas for Promoting the Endowment Fund

Home Forums BOARD MEMBERS Endowment Fund/Donations Ideas for Promoting the Endowment Fund

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    • #1523
      Brian Lennon

      For one thing, I believe that each membership renewal section on our new website should contain a link to the fund, maybe inviting people to add another contribution while they are renewing their membership.

    • #1946
      Nancy Herrick

      What about having certain issues or training focuses listed periodically with the endowment link. Stories of what our members are doing with a focus on the great changes and improvements in people’s lives might pull on people’s passions, show the benefits of our work and encourage them to support our operations.

    • #1963
      Avatar photoBette Blance

      William Glasser Institute-New Zealand has just given a NZ $1000.00 contribution to the Endowment Fund. This came from a slight profit we made on our recent conference. Unfortunately the exchange rate takes a bit but every bit counts.

    • #2773
      Nancy Herrick

      A suggestion for promotion may be to publish in the newsletter a generic thank you to all who have made donations to the endowment and how it has grown over the last year. This would not be a request for people to donate, but a reminder of how important the endowment is to the organization.

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