Research Policy Draft

Home Forums BOARD MEMBERS Research Research Policy Draft

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    • #1902
      Brian Lennon

      Here is a copy of the Research Policy as sent to me by Janet today (28 Jan 2015).

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    • #2275
      Avatar photoBette Blance

      Janet I think this policy is succinct, readable and very useful. What do we need to do to have everyone read it, comment and have it as a policy.

    • #2390
      Brian Lennon

      Perhaps we should be adding another dimension to the policy.

      Why not require those aspiring to become Glasser Quality Schools to present research?
      Those training in RT could be encouraged to present research in their certification presentation OR perhaps have a chartered member level awarded to all those who present at least one piece of research.
      Part of RT and QS training should be to foster a research mentality in our trainees. How do they know that what they are doing is working?

      As part of an overall fostering of research we could create an online course in basic statistics and experimental design!

    • #2393
      Avatar photoBette Blance

      We have included this in our discussions as we think it is essential for GQS accreditation for staff to do this. Looking forward to sharing what we have come up with in a few days.

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