Roles and Responsibilities

Home Forums BOARD MEMBERS Marketing Roles and Responsibilities

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    • #1532
      Avatar photoMitchell Messina

      • Maintain the consistency of WGI’s message across all departments within WGI and all media used by WGI, and WGI Affiliates

      • Develop clear, consistent, well targeted messages for use in marketing, and by other committees, members and affiliates

      * marketing: the promotion of events, programs and products to members and the public
      * committees: developing a report template that is easily incorported into the WGI e-newsletter
      * members: develop marketing materials for WGI programs and products; educate members about how to effectively communicate
      suggestions, questions and feedback to committee members;
      * affiliates: assist affiliates in developing an effective system for translation of documents into their primary language.

      • Prepare a Roles and Responsibilities document for the marketing committee and present it to the WGI Board for approval

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