Scholars Program

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    • #3193
      Janet Morgan

      WGI Scholars Program:

      Ideas, musings, suggestions and maybe some creative doodles!

      Just some thoughts…

      3 interest areas: Mental Health; Education, Business

      Practicum Scholarship

      Applicant can apply for scholarship if they have completed a basic week. Application would be a proposal that would include 1)Interest area of research or teaching interest outlined 2) Plan to incorporate CT/RT in professional field 3) Contract with Practicum Supervisor

      This would be a scholarship to reduce the Practicum cost to the applicant (to 0 cost). Practicum Supervisor would wave fee to scholar that is chosen. That Practicum Supervisor would be reimbursed annual WGI Membership fee, advertising fee and listing fee.

      All Faculty would vote on the application.

      Advanced Week Scholarship

      Scholarship for Advanced Week. Same requirements as for Practicum Scholarship. The instructor must be a different instructor than Basic Week and the instructor must agree to a no-fee contract for that scholar. Same compensation plus WGI to waive fee of 100$ to instructor.

      Eventually, I would like to see us award theses scholarships in each field; education, mental health and business.

      In addition, I would like to see this award extended to Basic Instructors, Advanced, etc.

      We need to announce these awards at our conference and advertise the competition on the website and in the professional areas we subscribe to; ACA, NCC, etc.

      Any thoughts??

    • #3194
      Avatar photoKim Olver

      Janet, I think these are great ideas and scholarships would be limited to one per faculty member/year?

    • #3195
      Janet Morgan

      I would like to start with one in Education (not limiting it to a university faculty person but, anyone in education) and then add one in mental health next year and the third year, one in business/leadership.

      We could fine tune as we go because I am sure someone will have a great addition to this plan….

    • #3196
      Janet Morgan

      Eventually, I would like every region to adopt the same plan, or something similar.

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